Our services
Our outpatient care service offers comprehensive support for people who want to be cared for in their familiar environment. We value individual care and help our clients maintain their independence and quality of life.

basic care
Personal hygiene, changing, nutrition, mobility, prophylaxis, storage, incontinence care
treatment care
medication administration, measuring blood pressure & blood sugar, injections, compression therapy, wound care, port care, tracheostomy care
home economics
Shopping, cleaning the apartment, doing laundry, making the bed
care and relief services
Memory training, physical activity, conversations, board games, walking
respite care
Representation of the caregiver in absence
nursing advisory missions
according to § 37.3. SGB XI
Provision of nursing aids, incontinence products, foot care, physiotherapy, home emergency call systems, meal services, stoma advice and outpatient palliative care.
Support with applications, cost clarification, prescription and order management, MDK reports, communication with social welfare providers and health insurance companies.
Regular exchange with the treating physicians and coordination with the responsible therapists.